Saturday, May 31, 2014

About Shared Hope International

Hope is defined as a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. It's archaic meaning is a feeling of trust. Human trafficking victims lose hope. They are manipulated into believing false promises. They are physically, mentally, and emotionally abused. Society, in general, does not acknowledge their plight. We, the public, have been taught that these women and children want this. Ex-Giant Lawrence Taylor (declared sex-offender served no jail time) defends his actions in several ways including saying that it is the oldest profession in the world. Rape of 2 under age girls is okay? Really?!! We promote, yes, even encourage sexual promiscuity through media and then wonder why we have a demand for sex-trafficking.
No child can ever be a prostitute!
Here some examples of what Shared Hope provides:   

Increasing awareness, learning how to identify victims and possible victims of trafficking and by providing genuine and holistic response within our services and justice system is accomplished with training programs and resources. Shared Hope works to "equip professionals and community members to advance the network of protection offered to survivors of trafficking." (quote from SHI website)                                                    
Shared Hope International states that they were "established to provide hope to the hopeless women Washington State Congresswoman Linda Smith found enslaved in the brothels of Mumbai in 1998. Our early efforts targeted the international sex trafficking industry.  As we became established leaders in the international movement to end slavery, our eyes were opened to the scourge of sex trafficking in the U.S. We could not ignore this injustice and expanded our impact to bring hope to American women and children victimized in the commercial sex industry. Today, we lead prevention strategies, restoration programs and justice initiatives to combat trafficking in the U.S. and abroad." (italics mine; quote from SHI website)

Here are the Basics of Shared Hope
Youth Sex Trafficking Prevention Kit

Prevention Strategies:                                                 

 National Training, Collaborative Community Sex Trafficking Identification and Response Training, Customized Training, Intervene, Specialized Sex Trafficking Training for Juvenile Justice Plus....Training Resources like CHOSEN or the new Gang TRAP (Trafficking Response and Prevention) Training Guide and Video Series this 4-part training DVD for law enforcement for a donation of $20. 
Restoration Programs:

When a woman or child is rescued from sex trafficking they are not free yet! Their bodies are damaged, their mental and emotional health is shattered. Without someone (actually groups of people) coming along side them to walk them through the many steps to complete recovery they will never recover. Shelter and service providers are mandatory. Restoring their physical, mental, and emotional health, although an absolute must, is not enough. The Shared Hope site says, "providing survivors with the skills and means of creating their own economic sustainability helps reduce the risk of re-victimization." They must be taught how to re-enter society and then live in it safely. Many have joined other freedom fighters in the trenches working to pull others out of the living hell of sex-trafficking.
Justice Initiatives:

Coordinating with the growing network of protection is crucial. Working together will increase our success providing victims with complete support. Shared Hope International "believes we can create a world where every survivor is surrounded by trained professionals, an alert community, just law and policy, knowledgeable service providers and appropriate shelter options."

In a March 18th, 2014 article entitled South Dakota man sentenced to life for sex trafficking in the Sioux City Journal South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley said the 2014 state Legislature passed two laws to help combat sex trafficking.

One law establishes a procedure to forfeit personal property in child pornography, human trafficking, child solicitation or exploitation cases, and to direct money toward preventive efforts and victims. Another will allow human trafficking victims to file lawsuits against a perpetrator.

"South Dakota is off limits for human trafficking and crimes against children," Jackley said.

Good for Jackley! This attitude is the very thing that will begin the process of cleaning up the state of South Dakota which presently has a "F" rating according to their Shared Hope Report Card. You can go the the report card link and click on your state and find out how it's doing. Shared Hope has Bill Tracking so you can also check out your states effort to put in place laws to protect women and children.

Find your states rate. Report Card link above.

We need to increase awareness. We must take action. We must not only seek justice we must demand justice!

If you have questions or comments please leave a comment.

Monday, May 12, 2014

About Anti-Slavery International

The following information is taken from the Anti-Slavery International site...WHY? Because sometimes a little information will inspire a desire to learn more. As a Freedom Fighter I desire to create in YOU a passion in your you may become a Voice for the Voiceless.

As the oldest organization fighting to end human trafficking Anti-Slavery International was founded by Thomas Clarkson in 1839, making it the oldest international human right organization in the world. It has endured for 175 years. Growing up I believed that slavery had ended with the Civil War. Not so. 
In the United Kingdom, Anti-Slavery International is the only charity in the United Kingdom to work exclusively against slavery. We work at local, national and international levels to eliminate all forms of slavery around the world by:
  • Supporting research to assess the scale of slavery in order to identify measures to end it;

  • Working with local organizations to raise public awareness of slavery;

  • Educating the public about the realities of slavery and campaigning for its end.

  • Lobbying governments and intergovernmental agencies to make slavery a priority issue and to develop and implement plans to eliminate slavery;

Anti-Slavery International's work is divided among three teams: the Programmes and Advocacy Team, the External Relations Team and the Administration and Finance Team. 


Anti-Slavery International works at local, national and international levels to eliminate all forms of slavery around the world.

Anti-Slavery International relies on the support of people like you. There are many ways to help, from donating online to running a marathon or setting up a local campaigning group. You can become a member, donate, fundraiser or you can campaign against slavery and challenge yourself.  


Your action puts pressure on governments to take action to stop slavery in their countries. It also offers support to local organisations in their struggle to protect basic human rights. Some of the campaigns Anti-Slavery International is working on: Victim Protection, Home Alone, Cotton Crimes, and the Chocolate Campaign. Success stories are available too.


Anti-Slavery International publishes its research and produces it's own resources for public education on contemporary and historical slavery. You will find: 

Reports & publications, Library, Exhibitions, Shop, Education, Photograph, Transatlantic Enslavment, Reports Magazine, Anti-Slavery videos, and Free campaigns resources.

I hope you take the time to check out the Anti-Slavery International website. Please leave a comment if this blog helps you grow in knowledge about what is out there to aid you on your journey toward becoming a Freedom Fighter.  

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Boko Haram Kidnapped 276 Girls

The kidnapping of close to 300 young girls has made the news. Everyone is weighing in on what should be done or not be done. Heads of governments make threats and promises. Parents weep and cry, for their children are in perilous danger. 

Boko Haram's arrogant and cocky proclamation to sell them is shocking to many. To many more, myself included, it is sick and twisted, but, it is not shocking. There are an estimated 27 million modern day slaves in the world. They work in fields, sweat shops, private homes, and in the sex industry. They are men and boys, women and girls.

According to Polaris Project there "is not one consistent face of trafficking victim.  Trafficked persons in the United States can be men or women, adults or children, foreign nationals or US citizens.  Some are well-educated, while others have no formal education.

While anyone can become a victim of trafficking, certain populations are especially vulnerable.  These may include: undocumented migrants; runaway and homeless youth; and oppressed, marginalized, and/or impoverished groups and individuals.  Traffickers specifically target individuals in these populations because they are vulnerable to recruitment tactics and methods of control.

Undocumented immigrants in the US are highly vulnerable due to a combination of factors, including: lack of legal status and protections, language barriers, limited employment options, poverty and immigration-related debts, and social isolation.  They are often victimized by traffickers from a similar ethnic or national background, on whom they may be dependent for employment or a means of support."


The spokesperson for Boko Haram spoke the truth when he said there is a market for selling young girls and it is a growing market. Aidan McQuade the Director of Anti-Slavery International said in his CNN interview when asked if selling these girls was even feasible, "I think it is feasible because it has been happening day in and day out for years..." (CNN video can be seen here.) 

It does not matter now for these girls, or their families, that this crime is on the rise or that it has been going on for years and years. What matters now for them, is the fight for survival. Those who are actively involved in working to end human trafficking will continue the fight. My hope is, that through this atrocity, more will wake up to the truth of modern day slavery and join freedom fighters everywhere by educating themselves, by praying, by donating their time and/or money to organizations in the fight to free slaves everywhere. 

Monday, May 5, 2014

How Can I Fight Modern Day Slavery?

First, become aware.
Once you become aware you will have to make the choice to ignore the truth or to activate

Are you looking for something you can do now? Here are some options:

  • Shared Hope International Our Mission Is To Eradicate Sex-Trafficking through preventing, restoration, and justice. I serve as an Ambassador of Hope for SHI in my area.
  • Polaris Project A World Without Slavery. They have a National Human Trafficking Hotline, their Polaris Project’s policy program is viewed as a premiere source of human trafficking legislative and policy expertise in the United States. Polaris Project provides 24/7 emergency response to life-threatening situations, intensive case management and counseling to ease the effects of trauma, support groups, arts therapy programs, and job training/placement assistance, as well as training and technical support.
  • International Justice Mission Rescue Thousands Protect Millions. These are lawyers you'll really like. They work toward Justice System Transformation through three phases. 1) Collaborative Casework 2) System Reform 3) Sustain Gains
Victims and concerned citizens can now send
text messages to “BeFree” (233733)
*Tip* A these #'s to your contacts
The information above is taken from each website. Links are provided. Each of these organizations needs donations however, they also provide options for anyone looking for ways to take action. Besides donations, volunteering, or working for organizations like those listed above there is another option. Working as a Freedom Fighter with a fair-trade company called Better Way Imports serves as an opportunity for you to able to help build awareness and provide for your family at the same time. 

Better Way Imports Do Good. Do Well. Better Ways approach is simple by partnering with companies that are designed to give women who have been brought out of sex trafficking a genuine opportunity to work in a safe environment that provides them with fair wages enabling them to earn money for themselves and their family. Then Freedom Fighters market their products. It's not just giving someone a fish or even just teaching them how to fish. It's teaching them to fish, buying a fish, and then going back to buy more. In addition to this Freedom Fighters work to make others aware of human trafficking and give them an immediate way to help.

As a Freedom Fighter, I go into homes and educate people about the truth of human trafficking in their local area and state, as well as the world. Then I provide an opportunity for everyone to take immediate action by buying, booking, and becoming a Freedom Fighter. 

Through continued reading you will grow in understanding and learn of many more ways to be involved. Check my blog on a regular basis as I build on the premise of educating others while working to be
voice for the voiceless.
Speak out for the voiceless!
If you are interested in Better Way Imports and would like to buy, book, or become contact me, I will help walk you through the process. It is a delight and an honor to respond to the compliments I receive when I wear jewelry made by a victorious survivor. To comment or message me leave a comment below or email me at

    Sunday, May 4, 2014

    Jada Pinkett Smith Fighting Sex-Trafficking

    Fighting to end Sex-trafficking is a global fight. People from every walk of life and beliefs are in the fight. Jada Pinkett Smith has started filming a documentary for CNN (see Madame Noire article). She talks about her perception having been changed after meeting three women at a Wellspring facility. Our beliefs lead to how we see things. For years we have been fed the lie that women who are involved with prostitution want to be.

    Our perception is askew. Anyone should have the right to be FREE. The right to chose to not take a job. To be paid for a job. Not to be forced to have sex. These are fundamental rights. In the US alone the Human Trafficking is a $9.8 BILLION industry and growing. Why sell just drugs and guns, which can only be sold once, when you can sell a woman or child over and over. At least 100,000 U.S. children are used in prostitution every year in America. (National Center For Missing and Exploited Children) and the average age a child enters prostitution is 13 years old. (U.S. Department of Justice website) No little girl grows up hoping to be a prostitute. No little girl!


    So what about our young women? Jada has found that some women think they can enter a life of selling their bodies, control it, and make money. Good money. Controlling this lifestyle is like holding a rattlers tail; the snake will still bite. Once again women should still have the right to say no. The men (and women) who prey on others for their own gain in the human trafficking industry are despicable but as a society we are encouraging it. Young girls want to look and be like the models and actors that flaunt promiscuity and glorify it. Young women believe they can control a rattler by holding its tail.

    What we are teaching our girls affects their perception of what is okay, even cool. Jada Pinkett Smith was told by a young woman that "she just wanted to be an independent chick. She just wanted to make that money. She wanted to be that girl she saw in videos. She wanted to be that girl she heard in songs. She said it makes it okay. She was like, even in manipulating men into giving you money for your body, it’s okay because of what the music tells us, it’s almost expected." Jada quote from Madam Noire article


    I look forward to seeing this documentary. I hope it will cause many to think about what, as consumers, we are willing to view, listen to, and spend money on. Producers, writers, singers, and actors will go where the money is. ..... but then again isn't that what human trafficking is all about???.....Money?!

    What is your perception? I hope this article increases your understanding. Please share it. Lets get the word out and grow awareness; it is a crucial in this war wage for true freedom for all.

    Friday, May 2, 2014

    What Is Modern Day Slavery?

    What if I told you every 30 seconds someone becomes a victim of human trafficking? Would you be shocked? Would you want to join a new breed of abolitionists dedicating themselves to fighting for the freedom of over 27 million men, women, and children? Or would you recoil in disbelief asserting that you just can't hear of such atrocities?

    So what is modern day slavery? The following definition comes from The Polaris Project website: Under U.S. federal law, “severe forms of trafficking in persons” includes both sex trafficking and labor trafficking:
    • Sex trafficking is the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for the purposes of a commercial sex act, in which the commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such an act has not attained 18 years of age, (22 USC § 7102; 8 CFR § 214.11(a)).  
    • Labor trafficking is the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purposes of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery, (22 USC § 7102).  
    Organizations like The Polaris Project, Shared Hope International, and International Justice Mission are only a few of the many organizations working to educate the public about modern day slavery while taking active steps to bring an end to this savagery. Still others are diligently getting the word out that there is something anyone can do right now to help. Donations?! Of course, but, anyone can begin to change there buying habits. If companies find out you won't buy their product because it is harvested or made by slaves they will change the way they do business. One fair-trade company Better Way Imports partners with 13 different companies marketing their beautiful handmade bags, jewelry, paper crafts, and clothing. Because it is fair-trade every person involved receives a fair wage. From the woman brought out of sex-trafficking who crafts it, to the Freedom Fighter who sells here in America. More on this, so stayed tuned.
    This is a difficult subject. It is easy to feel overwhelmed even paralyzed. Yet, there are very real ways to take action and make a difference. One small action at a time. Please share this with others and check out the organizations above. 
    Learn more then...Activate! 

    If you have any questions please leave a comment and I will get back to you.