Tuesday, May 31, 2016

What Is Your Perception of Sex Trafficking, Child Prostitution, John's and Pimps?

“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”  Adolf Hitler

  Is he right? What if the media doesn't know any better? What if they do?
What do YOU believe about Modern Day Slavery?

Fact: There are more slaves now than ever before in history.
Fact: It is all over the world and is one of the most rapidly growing crime along with the sale of drugs and guns.
Fact: We need to wake up to the truth and educate ourselves and others about the years of misinformed perceptions about prostitution.

Do you believe slavery ended with the emancipation proclamation? Image result for prostitution in america Do you? Do you live as though you do?

What are the 7 Worst States in America for Sex Trafficking:     

Image result for map of trafficking
Red represents area where there is more Human Trafficking.

#7 North Dakota

#6 Arizona

#5 Utah

#4 Colorado

#3 Delaware

#2 New Hampshire

#1 South Dakota

Cities??? Atlanta, Georgia rates #1 it also has the largest airport in the world. Interesting, isn't it? In California we watch San Francisco area (including Oakland), Los Angeles, and San Diego. Washington State, Seattle. Oregon, Portland where they brag in this *article, "Casa Diablo is but one of a cornucopia of strip clubs that proliferate Portland. There are so many that the city’s residents have, for at least 20 years, vehemently maintained that they have "more strip clubs per capita than any municipality in America." Warning: the article can make your blood boil.

Here is a great article on Slavery. Click here.

What do you believe about sex trafficking? Has the media and Hollywood effected your perception?
Image result for flashdance
From Flashdance
Image result for lipstick movie
Image result for flashdance
Image result for taxi driver  Image result for pretty woman

Hollywood produces an attitude about the value of women. They glorify prostitution. They value women as sex objects. Intelligent women tend to be ugly and grumpy. Sexy women are beautiful and must want sex.

Why do we lock up 12 + year old girls and send John home with a slap on the wrist? Why is she a prostitute and he is called John?
Image result for prostitution  Image result for prostitution Image result for prostitution

Image result for John's buying sexImage result for John's buying sexImage result for men who buy sex

Image result for hugh hefnerWhy have we made pimps cool?Image result for pimps 
Is it okay for a man to rape a woman dressed sexy? How about a woman who is dressed in something normally considered not sexy? How sexy is too sexy to be dressed? 

Image result for sexy outfitImage result for business outfit for a womanImage result for business outfit for a woman

When is someone too young to be a prostitute?

Image result for child actor turned prostituteImage result for child  prostituteImage result for child  prostituteImage result for child  prostituteImage result for child  prostituteImage result for child  prostitute     Seems the world has gone mad. Our perceptions are twisted and skewed. We don't think twice about who is on a screen....baring themselves. We assume they want to display their bodies. It is their choice. Yet, strippers, porn mags, and red light districts are filled with little girls who wanted a normal life. First dates and proms, Ice cream cones and trips to the mall for new clothes. Time to hang out with friends. As a society we view them as dirty deserving and desirous of ....attention. We view it as their choice. Not that they were chosen. 

Image result for shared hope international movie chosen.  CHOSEN THE MOVIE

This was written to offer you some questions to consider. Thoughts to trigger your understanding of your perception of Modern Day Slavery; specifically Sex trafficking. Join me in the fight. Request me (or another Ambassador of Hope from Shared Hope International) to speak to your group in person or on a call. Leave a question or a comment below. Thank you.