I am in pain today. I suffer from fibromyalgia; Autumn is a bear. My thoughts are with those who are hurting and helpless. I hope if this is seen that it is truly understood. So here it goes. Let me bare my heart and my soul. I am a survivor of rape. The details don't matter though one of the rapes was brutal.
Years have gone by and I have healed....a lot. Christ has helped me. [Also I am in Celebrate Recovery.] Now as a mother of seven daughters and two sons I wonder and I pray and, although I shouldn't, I worry. Our world is messy to say the least. How do I keep my children safe? How do I teach them?
And, in the mean time, how do I HELP!?! I was fortunate. I was "lucky". The girls I am fighting for aren't much different than I was. But, I wasn't kidnapped or sold for sex trafficking or labor trafficking. I wasn't possessed. They are.
If I told you that I am weeping would you think me crazy? I don't care anymore. I look at my children and even my own baby picture and I think.<<<<<<I think!!!!!.... God, it could have been me. What can I do?
I am becoming more involved. I am a Freedom Fighter for Better Way Imports. I am an Ambassador of Hope with Shared Hope International. It sounds so.....involved. The reality is, I am doing so little. Women who have been victimized need time and support to heal.I am still healing. I am 56 years old. My healing has been slow, mostly because I was NOT supported.
There is hope though, for me with Celebrate Recovery and for the million who are trafficked across the globe, 100,000 right here in America, there are Modern Day Freedom Fighters stepping up to fight.
Organizations, like Shared Hope International, are working to help girls/women. Truly supporting them in their healing. I WAS ONLY RAPED 3 TIMES IN 4 YEARS....THEY ARE, 20 TIMES A DAY! Let's do the math. Sorry. It needs to be said. 20 X 365 X 4 = 29,200. Even though you may think....."No way!", it will not change the facts. 20 times a day is only a statistic. An average. Unreliable at best.
Unless these girls/women are rescued they have 7 years before they will die.
Do you see? Do you care?
Fight for freedom. Please consider becoming a Modern Day Freedom Fighter. An Abolitionist.
Comments and questions are welcome. Thank you.