Breaking news: North County Abolitionists of Paso Robles, California has a Facebook Page now. We are Partnering with Mountainbrook Aboltionists of San Luis Obispo County. They are an Anti-Human Trafficking Community Task Force bringing awareness to the public & taking action against modern-day slavery.
Here is an example of our posts:
Glad to hear that you have a FB presence! I've been an Abolitionists since 2004, and jointed with Mountainbrook Abolitionists ("MbA") last year! I'm wondering if you would be interested in posting about the MbA 2015 "JUSTICE SUMMIT." We now are accepting registrations.
Please considering posting this link:
Every effort we make to get the word out is a step forward. Saving Lives is what it's all about. Education is the only way we will progress through the jungle of people busy lives. Teaching that human trafficking exists is not enough, we need to educate and encourage individuals who are asking questions like what is a Modern Day Abolitionist? What is labor trafficking? What is Modern day Slavery? What is sex trafficking? What can I do about it? How does it effect me? What is Fair-Trade? The questions are endless. We need people asking them and we need to be answering them.
Think of someone who is being Trafficked as a child in a burning house. If you knew you could save them would you??? I think most of us wouldn't hesitate. If we ban together we can make a real difference for hundreds, thousands, or even millions of innocent lives being destroyed by countless predators, who for selfish reasons choose to force other humans, mostly women and children into forced the labor and sex trade industry. Organizations like Shared Hope International and The Polaris Project are already out there fighting to save lives.
Please click the >>>link<<< and like our page and then share and spread the word. Together we can do much. Questions and comments welcomed. Thank you.